Tuesday, 22 February 2011

My Favourite Things

We all have favourite things, and  these are some of mine in the last few days.

Gorgeous leather handbag, wonderful wooden (too high for me) wedges and a fabulous floppy felt hat 

Oooh what a lovely sequin guitar on a tee shirt, ( the spotty dress isn't bad either)

 A positive message

No raindrops on roses or whiskers on kittens, but finding a den in the woods on a dismal day has got to be a good thing.

More favourite things


and listen to PJ Harvey

if you get a chance



Monday, 14 February 2011

At The Heart Of Love

The date ...... February 14th

The Place ..... Blackpool

The Event ...... A Gruff Rhys solo gig

The motive ....... A proposal of marriage

 Some photos of hearts and flowers in honour of St Valentines day.


James and I decided to book tickets to see Gruff Rhys ( singer from a favourite band of ours, Super Furry Animals) who was performing at this funny little hotel, in Blackpool of all places.

Have you ever been to Blackpool?  Have you ever been to Blackpool in February, in the rain?  If the answer to the last question is a yes, then I can completely sympathise, because you know and I know that it sucks.  Any town in the grey British drizzle is not going to be at its best so perhaps I can forgive it a little, (or can I)?  I bravely took a few photos.

Not much to work with I'm afraid.
Rain, fish and chips and kiss me quick hats were the order of the day.  Thank goodness that the gig we went to was fantastic.  It was really special and a little surreal.

 Blackpool must have brought out the romantic in me (I'm not sure how), because the next morning (Valentines) I asked James to marry me.

He said 



Enough soppy stuff for now.  Normal service will be resumed shortly.


Thursday, 10 February 2011

It's Only Love

It's time for some love, and also some hearts.  Thank you for the inspiration Holly and Domesticali

 Ok, they may be a little wonky, but I feel that just adds to their charm. 

The wonky hearts in action

They are quite simple to make.  All you need is a magazine or newspaper, scissors that are blunt and too big, a heart template that you cut out using the big old scissors.
I always find it handy to serve customers while you're in the middle of crafting. A top tip is not to use pva glue on newspaper because it may take ages to dry and end up all wrinkled and curled over, and so you will have to screw everything up and start over again.

Love is in the air

Time for a love song me thinks

More of the soppy stuff to come


Wednesday, 2 February 2011

True Colours

It is after school drop off and I am walking Katy the dog.  It is cold.  The sort of cold that is dense and unyielding. The sort of cold that makes me wish I had put on some thermal leggings and an extra pair of socks before I left the house, indeed it makes me wish that I had never left the house in the first place.  There is a slight wind that I try to ignore but it bothers me anyway.  I need to buck myself up and out of these February blues, and then I remember, with a little pop of excitement, that it is Splash of Colour week.  Oh frabjous day callooh callay!  I can look for colour, take a photo (or ten) and feel a little more cheery.

I gaze about the frigid landscape.  There is an awful lot of brown, quite a lot of grey and bits of dark boring green.  I walk for a while, thinking that I shall have to make do with taking a photo of some rhubarb when I get home, and then, I spy, nestled in amongst the frozen bracken, a PINK BALLOON.

What the.... How the.... I must admit I am surprised, also a bit happy and strangely a little sad.  I also must admit that I made quite a meal out of telling that story.

The pink balloon on a colourless day

and some more bursts of colour that I have come across in the last few days

From a lost balloon to happy havianas in three colourful photos

Join the colour parade

and stay warm