The date ...... February 14th
The Place ..... Blackpool
The Event ...... A Gruff Rhys solo gig
The motive ....... A proposal of marriage
Some photos of hearts and flowers in honour of St Valentines day.
James and I decided to book tickets to see Gruff Rhys ( singer from a favourite band of ours, Super Furry Animals) who was performing at this funny little hotel, in Blackpool of all places.
Have you ever been to Blackpool? Have you ever been to Blackpool in February, in the rain? If the answer to the last question is a yes, then I can completely sympathise, because you know and I know that it sucks. Any town in the grey British drizzle is not going to be at its best so perhaps I can forgive it a little, (or can I)? I bravely took a few photos.
Not much to work with I'm afraid.
Rain, fish and chips and kiss me quick hats were the order of the day. Thank goodness that the gig we went to was fantastic. It was really special and a little surreal.
Blackpool must have brought out the romantic in me (I'm not sure how), because the next morning (Valentines) I asked James to marry me.
He said
Enough soppy stuff for now. Normal service will be resumed shortly.