Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Me and My Shadow

I felt inspired to do some shadow play after looking at photos by silverpebble.

I  was also inspired by Katy's shadow stickers, and so

I found some dolls, I could only lay my hands on zombie characters.  I then had me a little shadow play

I found an elephant, I think the zombies are making a bee line for it. Run elephant run! I would like to show you what happened next, but it got cloudy.

To be continued at the next golden opportunity.


  1. The zombie shadows are genius! It's like a little film set. I can hardly wait for the next installment. Thanks so much for joining in and for your comment. Not sure how you found me but I'm glad you did!

  2. Hi silverpebble, Thank you for having a look. Those pesky zombies are back in their box now, phew!
    I found you via Le Petit Oiseau after leaving a comment!

  3. These are so fun! I had to stop myself from running out the door to buy some dolls (how is it that I have no dolls?!).

  4. Holly, you don't have any dolls because you have a puppy instead!
    (don't worry, you can borrow mine)
