Sunday, 19 September 2010

Tired Of Waiting For You

Julie was fed up with waiting for Pete.  They had arranged to meet by the park next to their favourite shop.  He had sent her a romantic note and told her he was taking her to London for the day.  They would go to an art exhibition,    do a spot of sight seeing,     and go for a chinese meal or something.   She was dressed in her pretty blue satin fifties dress which now felt like a complete waste of time. 

She wasn't about to wait any longer and if Pete couldn't be bothered to get in touch to let her know what was going on, well he wasn't worth waiting for.

Pete knew he had blown it.  He was meant to have met Julie over an hour ago.  His phone was on the blink which meant that he hadn't been able to let her know that he was going to be late.  It was such a shame, Julie was lovely and he didn't want to ruin his chances.  He had been looking forward to taking her for a romantic day out to London and had even dressed up especially for the occasion.

Pete decided to call into Beatnik and buy something to cheer himself up.  Besides which he was starting to feel like people were staring at him, most likely because he was looking very dapper in his blue check suit and his sixties green frill shirt. Perhaps if he hung around in Beatnik for a bit Julie might even turn up.  It seemed like a good plan.  The people that worked in the shop were so lovely and friendly and there was always cool music playing. Oh and also a great atmosphere. Oh yes and also amazing clothes, jewellery, bags and  accessories to buy.  (enough).

Well anyway he went into the shop and ended up sitting around staring gloomily out of the window for the rest of the day.

The End


  1. Poor Pete! I'm so glad he was able to wander into such a nice shop, where he was able to soothe his troubled heart with a dapper suit to boot! Perhaps his new look (and a fixed phone) will help smooth things over with Julie. Because they seem absolutely perfect for each other. And their senses of style are very complimentary.

    By the way, what kind of response did Pete and Julie get from the neighbors?! So funny.

  2. Hi Holly, I think our neighbours think we're a bit unusual anyway but there were quite a few double takes from passers by. It didn't seem to faze Pete and Julie they were as professional as ever!
